Hope & Clay Construction Ltd.




We confirm that we have been appointed by Barratt Southern Counties to carry out the S278 Roadworks at the above. These works include the installation of Kerbed buildouts in both locations and the upgrading and widening of the footpath in Tuesley Lane.

It is envisaged that the works will be completed within thirteen weeks but may be subject to change due to factors beyond our collective control.

Advanced signing will be in place prior to the start date to inform the passing public of the impending works.

All these proposed works have followed due process and have been subject to agreement with the Highway Authority and Parish Council.

The works will be undertaken during a Road Closure of both roads. For Rake Lane this will commence on 23/7/15 and be closed for 6 weeks, on Tuesley Lane, this shall be from 27/7/15 for 12 weeks.  Access for residents and emergency vehicles will be maintained at all reasonable times.  There will be a signed diversion route in place, which will be monitored on a regular basis and every endeavour will be taken to keep disruption to minimum. Access Routes can be found by clicking here

Drawings of the works can be found by clicking here.

Our Traffic Management Plans can be found by clicking here.

The Envisaged Programme can be found by clicking here